Relive your flight with professional captures

Every flight’s duration is 10 minutes. However, the memories will last forever. At the Dubai Balloon, take advantage of professional photographers and videographers as they capture your unique experience. For the perfect aerial angles, don’t forget to pose for the drones!


بعد الانتهاء من الرحلة، اختر ما يناسبك من صور ومنتجات لحفظ الصور وخذها معك إلى المنزل


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DEI is the market leader in imaging services and solutions. Spread accross 19 countries, DEI is committed to turning priceless moments into timeless memories. DEI is always looking at innovative ways to elevate guests' most exciting experiences, and it seeks to encompass every imaging opportunity accross the lifecycle of an individual.

Please check the weather forecast before visiting The Dubai Balloon

Welcome to The Dubai Balloon at Atlantis!

Please note that all balloon flights are weather dependent, and we can only fly in certain wind conditions. It might look sunny, but the winds could be strong at higher altitudes.

Please visit the “PLAN YOUR FLIGHT” page before visiting The Dubai Balloon to ensure the balloon will fly on your preferred date and time. We look forward to welcoming you!